I work at NDU, putting on monthly conferences. This month's conference is titled "The Battle of Ideas: Messages, Mediums and Methods." It's at NDU in DC, free and open to the public (non-attribution policy applies). I figured it would be of interest to the SWJ community, especially if you read this forum.

Highlighted topics will include Arab media, US gov't info ops, stratcom and public diplomacy efforts so far, lessons from the private sector, a case study of info ops in Ramadi, domestic media coverage, and future stratcom scenarios.

September 25, 1PM-5PM, and September 26, 9AM-5PM. You're welcome to come to all of it or whatever parts you can make. Directions. To register, email CTNSP-NCO@ndu.edu.

Presenters/panel members include:

Marc Lynch, Jon Alterman, Michael Hudson, Bob Reilly, Todd Helmus, Chris Paul, John McCary (former intel E5 in Ramadi), Kyle Teamey, Harvey Rishikof, Frank Sesno, John Robb, and TX Hammes.

Any questions/comments?