Quote Originally Posted by davidbfpo View Post
I have long thought - in strategic terms - that if India's Muslims moved in numbers to actively support the violent Jihad then it would be a significant change. With India and Indians noticing first as they live there and sometimes in close proximity.

So along comes a Pew Research report to reinforce my view:

Link which I suggest is not used, as it tries to download an advert and blcoks the screen:http://www.hindustantimes.com/india-...1-1333402.aspx

The actual Pew report is here:http://www.pewforum.org/2015/04/02/r...ons-2010-2050/

I have sincere doubts about the findings of this survey. Pakistan has higher birth rate and unlike India, contraception and family planning is a sort of taboo subject.

Government of India has been actively preaching the positive aspects of having a small family for quite some time now. Costs of raising a child is increasing disproportionately to the family income and as more and more people are leaving the lower strata to join the middle class, having more than two kids is not only a very expensive exercise but is also socially frowned upon. This is equally true for both Hindus and Muslims.