Semple's comments on PRTs (the last 1/2" of the uTube) was very interesting, and he said nothing I disagree with, as they have been deployed to date.

On the other hand, I thought his comments on UNAMAs intentional hands-off attitude to the election was very significant.

He called the election snafu a very avoidable problem.

Having served on the political team in UNAMI (Iraq), the team was fully deployed well-before, and after the Iraq election. The SRSG was out daily working to help Iraq get through the election laws, establish the processes and mechanics, and monitor to assure reasonable standards.

Granted what Semple said about each UN mission being different, and having their own problems, but, clearly, international oversight of the Afghan election was less than optimum.

As for the political officer comments, I usually try to avoid them because they are out of my lane, but the overview he gave really sounded to be historically well-grounded, and insightful (at least to me).