"10. I have to comment that I have never heard any, and I mean any, vet or reasonable person call WWII a "good war" in the sense he implied." (Adam L)

I think this comes from the perspective that the vast majority of Americans were unified in their effort to fight and get it over with as soon as possible - there was little division and bickering and it was "good" only in this sense - things seemed clearer in those times, a common focus and real unity. There were lines and combatants wore uniforms, good and bad, enemy and ally.

"11. To spend seven years on this and represent only the U.S. population (a myopic portion at that) is inexcusable." (Adam L)

What's wrong with portraying America's contribution only and primarily for the American audience? We gave several hundred thousand lives for the rest of the world back then so we sure the hell aren't obligated to be tipping our hats to allies every time the war is mentioned. Let the French and English and Russians do theirs if they want, the world is not just one big feel good village.