The war of October 1973 is generally portrayed as a move by Arab states to regain territory lost to Israel in 1967. However, after even a little research, this seems simplistic. There are obviously underlying animosities that extend back to at least WW2 and possibly to biblical times but I can't help but feel that 1973 was about breaking from history rather than continuing it. Was Sadat simply attempting to reinstate his territory and with it national honour or was he attempting to realign his nation with the US in an attempt to secure better economic and development prospects? Did Syria really want to overrun Israel or was it used by Sadat? What role did an engrained sense of honour and justice play in Arab motivations? Did the Soviets or the Americans encourage the war as part of a broader superpower struggle?

I would be interested in any insights anyone would have as I think it is difficult to discern the facts when looking through the lenses of either the contemporary cold war or the current war on terror. Understanding this conflict better may help explain the current situation.

I look forward to your replies.