Quote Originally Posted by selil View Post
Prevention steps:

1) Open dialog between civilian and military camps with no repercussions. Dialog does not defer responsibility or decision making authority, but it does confer credibility.
Not a bad idea but two things get in the way, Goldwater-Nichols and Egos. the latter having far more impact than the former.

2) A designated team of "Devils Advocates" from both camps. Make it a freaking prior to retirement position. Somebody should be tasked with arguing the position opposite the military and civilian authority actively. Once again this doesn't defer anything but creates active credibility. But, you have to give them the same credibility.
That has merit but again, I think egos would get in the way. Having watched it both from a distance and inside the Beltway under a bunch of Administrations, I'm pretty well convinced that a large minority or even a slight majority of senior Civilians in DoD and the Departments (much less the rest of the USG - and applicable to both appointees and career types) have a less than respectful view of the Armed Forces. They hide it well but cannot resist a trump when they're able.

3) Use IO resources to look at policy positions PRIOR to making them. You can spray paint a turd but it's still stinky.
Probably a good idea but will it affect the final decision?

4) Make the military industrial complex a non-profit industry, freeze CEO, pay and profits to no more than five times an enlisted e-9's pay grade.
Heh, now that I think is great...

Of course, Congress could just modify the war powers act to require a two-thirds vote instead of a simple majority on initial commitment. Probably wouldn't be Constitutional but no one in DC seems to care much about that aspect of anything.