I thought this comment on the Officers' Club Blog summed up the bru-ha-ha quite nicely...

If some people had bothered to READ the article they would have noted that many senior US ARMY officers provided the evidence for the paper! The main point was NOT that the US Army are racist but that some units do not have as much cultural awareness training and this causes problems on the ground. The mere PRESENCE of the coalition also causes problems not their actions.

We have articles from US Army/foreign officers in almost every issue of the British Army Review which sometimes do exactly the same thing- provide a launching pad for self criticism about aspects of our war fighting methods etc which need improving.

The media as always pick one tiny part and blow it up – wonder why the BBC for example did that? Hmm? Nothing to do with their anti Americanism? The WaPO? Nothing to do with their anti Bush attitudes? Hmm?

In all this was a good article and the rebuttal rom Colonel Benson (who himself called Brig A-F a British snob, thus proving the alleged point of the anti American media Brigade...doh!) may answer some of the Brigadier’s charges but I bet the discussion will go on for a while!