Digital warfare system hunts Iraq rebels

TIKRIT, Iraq - On mud-spattered computer screens in their Humvees, American soldiers scan digital street maps, monitor enemy positions, zoom in on individual buildings through satellite imagery and download instructions from commanders.

Back on base, senior officers watch raids unfold on large screens showing real-time footage from aerial drones and displaying maps with moving icons for ground and air forces. Their locations are tracked by global positioning satellites.

The two dozen components making up this high-tech digital warfare system are known as Army Battle Command Systems. The technologies, originally designed for battlefield combat involving tanks and helicopters, now are being adapted for hunting rebel leaders and trailing street fighters....
“No longer do you have guys on a map putting little stickers where things are at,” said Capt. Lou Morales, a division training officer. “It’s digitally done. ... It allows commanders to move more rapidly, more decisively, more violently.”
The 4th ID doesn't use paper maps anymore (at all). They didn't even take any to Iraq. Kill the GPS and what happens? What about EMP(ElectroMagnetic Pulse)?