It is impossible to separate Hizbollah from the Lebanese Government, due to the fact that Hizbollah has popularly elected officials in positions of influence within the Lebanese administration. This would be akin to trying to separate the Republican or Democratic Party from our government?

Yes, Hizbollah - the Movement has a militia, but so does the ruling party of Iraq, and we havent put it on the Foreign Terrorist Organization List yet.

Here's a thought - is our refusal to deal with Hizbollah on a political basis over their remarks concerning the illegitimacy of Israel in any way similiar to our dealing with the Japanese, yet not asking them to publicly admit to killing and raping millions of Chinese during WWII? In the end, are we not picking and choosing which statements or lack of statements offend our general political and moral sensibilities?

I think we all forget that Hizbollah and Hasan Nasrallah publicly denounced the 9/11 terrorist attacks.