I am sorry but to agree that ONLY Saddam is in fault over sanctions I can not. U.S. government have they blame there too. Big time. Book titled "The Fire This Time: US Crimes in the Gulf" by Ramsey Clark it's amazing read on this subject.

I understand your references on state sanction killings and your attempt to distance your self (U.S.) from killings that I was referring too, but when we talk about those "others" who killing your civilians, they are also NOT state sanctioned but rather singular soldiers in broad war. Instead to fly planes and drop 1,000 lb bombs on everyone under them, they going heads one with they bodies or cars.

So, my point, we are here talking about individuals who are committing atrocities and states/leaders that do not punishing them. In grand scale of life, murder is murder. Simple. At least for me.

I do agree with you about selfish state/nation interests and there is nothing new or strange there. My answer was not emotional but exactly on target and with same irony, bias and underlying insults I am reading from some people here (when I am in case). Also, I never said that "the United States is singularly bad" for doing this or that. You are right. Everyone else is doing same for them self.

That's why I think politics and governments (majority of them) sucks big time.