It is my understanding that today the United States has prisoners in Iraq and elsewhere around the world, arrested for crimes committed during the Global War on Terror and for a variety of other criminal actions. (Please don't read this as sympathy, just a statement of facts written at 0100.)

Our US due process requirements would demand certain criteria be met in order to hold a trial and adjudicate the defendant appropriately, within a reasonable period. (Again, not an ACLU lawyer) It is further my understanding that these suspects/defendants/often zealot murderers are going beyond what the American citizen considers reasonable. My question to this group is - what is the cause of this and what steps are we as a force taking to expedite these hearings?

As a former attorney, I am surprised to hear that we are holding these prisoners for so long without complete processing, and I recognize that the postings on detention operations above are key for a successful counterinsurgency. (I would suggest that an expedited detention rapidly loses efficacy, if you hold prisoners without tangible evidence and without a trial.)

Recognizing that some of this information may be sensitive, please PM me if you are uncomfortable answering in the public forum.