The first thing I would say is never underestimate the contribution to GWOT of being a productive citizen, raising children with a work ethic and a generally-functioning moral compass, and contributing at the neighborhood, local level.

My path here is a little different than most - USMC infantry reservist gunnery sergeant, who is a lawyer in my "other" life. Part of our ongoing transition to local control here involves various lines of organization (or LOOs). One is Rule of Law. It involves helping to establish a judiciary under the local constitution and ensuring its ability to preserve rights, administer justice fairly, and interact with the other branches of government and the police. It's a mixture of ConLaw, CrimLaw, CrimPro, Civil Law, CivPro, Civil Engineering and supervising the actual construction of the buildings to house the courthouse and jails.

As STU-6 said, they're putting JDs to work here. SJAs/JAGs are heavily involved in the process and have the advantage of returning to traditional duties when our involvement in the small war ends.

Good luck, whatever path you choose will have its rewards.