Mr. Jones:

Yes, things would be very different for the Taiwanese. They probably wouldn't like it much.

This is just a general observation, intellect without resolve, backbone if you will, only results in a failure, but one that can be rationalized very creatively.

Now near as I can judge, your answer to my question: "...if the Red Chinese tried to take Taiwan by force, we allow them to do so and abandon the Taiwanese. Is that your position?" is, yes we should abandon them.

Also your answer to my second question: "I take it to mean we should find out what Red China wants and give it to them. Is that correct?" has not yet been tendered. What is it?

I have another question, if it came to it, what countries would you defend in the face of Red Chinese aggression? This is only if it came to it. You are ready to give up the Taiwanese, how about the Japanese, or the Philippines or even New Zealand, where would you draw the line?

Oh, I just thought of another question. Does the Korean War fit into the "wow, that sucked" box?