Quote Originally Posted by Jedburgh View Post
I didn't see Schachtman as presenting an "either....or" premise in the Wired piece. Rather, I read it as arguing that NCW had gone too far in one doctrinal direction and that the military is going through a correction to embrace the human element to a greater degree. At a couple of points in the article he quotes people who clearly state that both aspects are important. Although, at the end of the piece, he did place a caution about the danger of over-tech'ing (can I say that?) the anaysis of human interactions.

Barnett's blog entry comes off as a self-centered juvenile rant.
I see in the Schachtman piece a narrative including perspective shifts in response to thought. I see in Tom's assessment some frustration that isn't supported in the piece he comments on. I won't speculate on his reason for writing it, but I'll say that I really cannot see his point of view.

Why is an interdisciplinary balance so unpalatable for some folks? Why not conceive of these approaches as intellectual tools that can be used in complement when the situation requires? Reminds me of the posts regarding COIN vs. MCO...

Well, for Noah - keeping making sense, and for Tom - have a nice day.