Well, if there is ever two subjects that are likely to bring out the stereo types, homosexuality and pornography are they.

The extreme right wing Christians in this country are using their leverage to socially engineer the military along with the extreme left. We're going to end up being a cross between Crusaders and Nancy Boys. Probably not the best type of Army to engage in the business of closing with and destroying our enemies.
You assume its some "right wing Christians" who had the porno pulled? LOL

That's when I know you haven't hung out with very many "liberated" women who view pornography as "objectifying women" and tantamount to the first step a man or boy can make towards disrespect and possibly sexual assault. LOL

Not that I hold those opinions. Only trying to bring a little perspective into it. Though, you may be right to assume that the "ultra-liberal" and "ultra-conservative" "social engineers" have found a subject they can both agree on. LOL