I don't think it is widely viewed as a human rights issue in the US.
At least 750,000 people disagree with you on that. And what is freedom if not having the right to partner with the person you love rather than hiding it for fear of losing your job? If freedom is a human right, and heterosexuals are free to marry/engage with their consensual partner of choice (and not get fired for it), then the parallel train of logic stands for homosexuals as well.

Upthread, Xenophon argued against the concept of readiness eloquently, so I defer to that post:

That being said, "readiness" is a non-issue. The military wasn't ready for integration of females nor was it ready for racial desegregation. The pressure to change needs to come from outside events/politicians. The President that decides he wants to take the burden of making that change should take a stand and do so, despite the military's protestations.
And SWJED asked,

Is it really a generational issue or are the naysayers being forcefully cut out of the debate?
This data suggests it trends very much towards being generational.