One of my former subordinates was nearly drummed out of the Army because he once answered a hypothetical question about suicide in a class by saying that years ago, during his divorce, he considered the possibility of suicide.

They took away his weapon, while in a war zone, put an armed guard on him 24/7, made him walk around with his boots unbloused and with engineer tape on his helmet on LSA Anaconda, took away any meaningful work and generally harrassed him for a couple of MONTHS, before we were allowed to go home.

And then they harass us in our civilian lives, trying to get us to "admit" we have PTSD/MTBI. I have no idea what their plan is for us, as Reservists, but I'd give large amounts of money that any "help" will be reserved for Active Duty types, but the stygma will be real, and lasting.

I can see the Army Reserve giving us the choice of mental treatment at our own expense, or kicking us out. (Actually, I can see them forcing us to get the help, AND kicking us out. Every day is Blue Falcon day in the good old Army Reserve, dontcha know) They are starting to do that with hearing loss, right now. More and more of us are getting medical review boards. We had two students pulled out of class yesterday to go before a medical review board with little notice.