Neo had an easier choice. Neo only had one man offering the red pill. No promises that you are going to like what you end up seeing or will feel better because of it, but then you’ll know the truth about how things are.

But we are confronted with various people (politicians, media, soldiers, writers, indigenous peoples, heck even Al Qaeda) offering their own red pill, which will show you the truth (as they see it) of the matter in this conflict.

So even if you have the will to make the choice to reject the blue pill of comfortable ignorance in favor of the red pill of uncomfortable reality, you have to choose among competing pill pushers. Needless to say, each man offering a red pill is quite confident he has the real one (the one true religion, the way to win the Iraq war, most effective economic policy, etc.)

I think a fair amount of people would gladly choose the red pill. They just can't figure out who's got it. You know what I mean?