Quote Originally Posted by Sean Osborne View Post
Check this Jeff:

As stated previously, "government rules by the consent of the governed."
A true Democracy, in the sense that the original Greeks used it, would not have representatives as modern so-called Democracies do. Every citizen would vote on every law, rather than electing a representative and trusting him or her to vote on their behalf.

Jeff, it's called grass roots. Getting the basic unit of any nation to understand why it would be to their benefit to get together with other basic units to establish a government by enfranchising themselves to elect their government and establish their laws for the common good.

Doing this within a framework of longstanding Islamic traditions and ideology may well be the most daunting task is 'selling' western democratic principles.
At the grass roots level, I don't think anyone cares about the political structure of their government as long as it provides them with a better day to day existence, hope for the future, etc. "Selling" democracy reminds me of church-run Soup Kitchens in poor urban areas that sell food and religion in equal portions.