RAND, 27 Dec 07: Combat Pair: The Evolution of Air Force - Navy Integration in Strike Warfare
This report was prepared as a contribution to a larger RAND-initiated study for the U.S. Air Force aimed at exploring new concepts for bringing land-based air power together with both naval aviation and surface and subsurface naval forces to enhance the nation’s ability to negate or, if need be, defeat evolving threats in both major combat operations and irregular warfare. The report describes the evolution of Air Force and Navy integration in aerial strike warfare from the time of the Vietnam War, when any such integration was virtually nonexistent, to the contemporary era when Air Force and Navy air combat operations have moved ever closer to a point where they can be said to provide both a mature capability for near-seamless joint-force employment and a role model for other possible types of closer Air Force and Navy force integration in areas where the air and maritime operating domains intersect....
Chapter 7 discusses Afghanistan (page 69 of the pdf) and Chapter 8 talks about OIF (page 79 of the pdf). If you want to skip right to what the authors see as emergent trends and potential future developments, begin on page 89 of the pdf.