Normally, this might not be a topic for SWJ. But food shortages can tend to create some interesting decision making among nations, and using armed conflict to establish future food supplies is one of those considerations, and it's not like it hasn't been a motivation in the past.
This is most definitely a topic for the SWJ, and a most important one at that. With food staples (and fuel) costs shooting up all over the globe, and real hardship affectling the lives of people across the world (even in the West it's hurting many people now), and growing political instability (people killing each other for cooking oil in China is just one sign of the stress that is building up), oh yeah, this is a topic for us. Great work, Watcher.

This is very unsettling news; and even Cargill has sold one of its operations to this hedge fund. I mean Cargill?!, the great-grandaddy of them all? I can't help but think that there ought to be laws against these sorts of acquisitions.