Generals of the US Republic are in many ways similar to those of the Roman Republic. Roman Generals in the Republic age were well trained and capable; all had come up with experience through the ranks of Centurion etc. They lead arguably the finest, best equipped troops in the ancient world. But they were uninspired; they were checked and kept in check by bureaucracy. They were deliberately kept mediocre in order to not let them become a threat to the Republic or to the Senate from whence they came and received appointment. The enemies they faced could all be overcome through the superior organization and execution at the tactical and operational levels by the Legion itself. The General was ancillary. Until they met Hannibal.

Hannibal represents the dynamic, warrior general that cannot be replicated in our system. To defeat Hannibal the Republic eventually had to place more power, freedom of action and duration of Command into the Generals hands. Scipio Africanus became that type, a general who was developed in independent command and given the ability to have a true Commander-in Chief role. Ultimately, and I greatly oversimplify here, this would lead to the end of the Republic as Generals began to see greater and greater autonomy over time leading to the rise of the Caesars.

Ok not the likelihood in the US but the point is the system is designed to create managers. Managers who can and will follow prescriptive actions in order to employ great troops, incredible equipment and assets so as to formulaically defeat any standard adversary.

The problems arise when the Manager Generals face non-standard adversaries, the dynamic warriors those not tied to doctrines and dogmas. In the end victory can still be had but not until the reigns of control are loosened.

The FM’s we use to train ourselves are very good, but they are formulas. Unfortunately many beleive that if you read it and apply liberally to the situation success will occur. FM’s should always be read with a historical study lying right next to it and a working knowledge of practical combat behind. They like the principles of war and other formulas should be used as guidelines and nothing more.

I now step off the soapbox.