Quote Originally Posted by Bob's World View Post
Research is important. No argument, but 1918 was most likely far smaller than a similar event that is apt to happen in our lifetime.
About ten times smaller than the number tossed around in advanced of publication.

Bringing a super-virus into a world with no immunity to the same is not science, it is opening Pandora's box.
Couple of points:

1. There is no such thing as a super virus.
2. Discovery in virology is serendipitous; there is presently no means to plan treatment until a pathogen emerges.
3. There is no guarantee that H5N1 wouldn't evolve into the discovered strain.

Pandora's box was open the moment organic replicators appeared on this planet, and what was let loose has likely caused several mass extinctions throughout geological time.

I am sure the scientists who create the next virus to have such an effect will rationalize how their work was to advance science as you describe...
Nothing so cliche. Their work advances the cause of identifying and mitigating existential threats to the survival of mankind.