People are in command to lead and they in turn implement broad strategy on the ground at the tactical level, having previously contributed to strategy development.

Thus I like the battle plan of Lt. General Nathan Bedford Forrest of CSA Civil War fame: "Get there firstest with the mostest."

I also like the hard reality which General Ulysses Grant (he had no middle name, the "s" was made up to create the image of a middle name) had of we will over time grind them down by the sheer force of men, material, supply and national productivity.

These days we still lack a more uniform individual participation, self sacrifice on the home front to back up "whatever it takes" in the field, "whatever it takes" having been defined by our most senior policy makers.

Tactical views/opinions/experiences of a pro-active, constructive, not backbiting nature, at the company grade officer and NCO level we need now as a part of the SWJ daily, on going dialogue on this good site, also my view.

A start on my two cents.