I'm brainstorming paper topics for 20 pages due in April. The course is geostrategy and I want to argue that geostrategy is dead, superceded by the revolution in information and technology.

My view is that geostrategy is dogma for sea power and American imperialism (all good things!), but essentially hubris for any respectable forward leaning national security strategist.

Non-state actors don't have navies and don't fight conventional wars. New threats to digital infrastructure and cyber security are more likely to challenge our national boundaries. We are an economic power first, then a military power. Anything that challenges our commercial dominance is a threat.

We are in a global communications war - information and connectivity will influence hearts and minds. Other countries are already ahead of the US in building digital infrastructure and educating their people in new skills for the 21st century.

That's what I have so far. I'd appreciate any ideas or links to resources to help me flesh out a thesis and a few substantive lines of argument.

Go Patriots!