Your basic tenets. However, i think the most vital aspect of a Mil/NGO relationship is that of security. My experience is that it is impossible to provide humanitarian aid or even day-to-day healthcare in an insecure environment. You will hear and read much about how such self-promoting organizations as "Egos Without Borders" do to save the poor and down-trodden in war and peace, but most times they find it impossible to work in an insecure environment.
As an example: Over the past few years there has been a constant state of conflict between the NGOs working in the IDP camps of northern Uganda and the Ugandan Peoples Defence Force, the Army. The NGOs have blamed the UPDF, sometimes with good cause, for all kinds of awfulness but when the UPDF was not able to guarantee the NGOs security, they didn't venture out of their compounds. I have witnessed entire kid's vaccination programs fall apart because of lack of security.
That I think is the key role of a Mil/NGO cooperative program
Anyway, enough from me. I know at least one of the Council has practical experience of the same in Rwanda
I am searching for someone who might know how much NGOs spend on their own security ( as a % of thie budget)