Quote Originally Posted by Old Eagle View Post
Now here's the kicker -- the single greatest factor in selection for battalion command was performance in company command. By the transitive property of stuff, that means that we select our future senior leadership by their performance at the O-3 level (I am not making this up).
Hi Old Eagle,
To add to your dialogue, I also feel sucess at the Bn S3/XO level is paramount, since that assignment, in all probability, is at the most 2-3 years removed from the Bn Cmd selection process. That said, if an outstanding officer had a less than top block senior rating on his OER, then no matter how successfully he performed, Bn Cmd was a dream. I've personally witnessed it at the Bn/Bde level, when an outstanding officer is held hostage by the rating of the Bde Cdr, who eventually ends up retiring as an 06. It's just not a fair process IMHO.
That's why I'm a firm believer in revising the OER system, and until the Army does so, some decent officers will not be selected for Bn Cmd.