Quote Originally Posted by Tom Odom View Post
Interesting that Machel --now married to Mandela--has been a voice against Mugabe. David, what do you think? Tom

I too have been puzzled at Nelson Mandela's silence and this weekend there was a comment on this within an article preceeding his visit to London, to mark his 90th birthday (Will try to locate article). The author emphasised Mandela had criticised Mugabe a few years ago, now Mbeki is the president he has the burden and he is a retired man.

I thought the article's comment weird. If Mandela felt strongly on a subject would he really remain silent? That is why I suspect Graca Machel, his wife, has been so public - it is a diplomatic fix.

The London based Zimbabwe Vigil is calling for protests at two venues in London, where Mandela is dining out and meeting VIPs. Assisting is Peter Tatchell, who tried a "citizens arrest" on Mugabe awhile ago when he visited Europe (Paris I recall).

Yes, if Mandela publically condemned Mugabe and ZANU-PF it would have an impact, within Zimbabwe, South African and beyond. Alas the "robber barons" in Zimbabwe show no sign of wobbling and losing power.

On my Zimbabwean emailing is a call for a boycott of the election issued by South Africa's trade unions (CSATU), Democratic Alliance (opposition party) and the communist party (SACP). Alongside a call upon Mbeki to do something more than talk.

I am not convinced the opposition in Zimbabwe will become an insurgency and so destabilise the region. More likely and all ready evident is the economic collapse and starvation.
