all about on this topic -- and that's pretty much a genetic thing and so is not to be mentioned in polite or politically correct company. The city / country divide isn't the issue; whether the hunter instinct is preserved in the DNA is...

Agree with you on training versus growing up with it.

As to your questions:
"...why British troops today are expected to tackle Terrence, often with only snatch landrovers in support? Why superbly fit and very courageous RM etc are wasting time and losing bloody good men on endless foot patrols? Why it takes hours to get air support, when the opening play of any attack should be an airstrike? Why our boys are expected to "march up hills," without real-time and active gunship support? Why Terrence is frequently able to leg it away from contacts without getting cut off and then killed? Fire Force provided the solution to all this, while also giving us casevac (Medevac) facilities within a usual 7 minute window, and kill rates in excess of 116 to 1. But perhaps that is another story..."
Four words: Egos, risk aversion and bureaucracy.

You could amplify that by adding Armored vests make it hard to chase bad guys who have none.
...I agree 120mm, enough of the warrior crap. Now where`d I put my beer
Sounds like a good plan to me...