Something different, I think I've seen the film and IIRC it is graphic. It is on show next week @ Oxford University CCW and from their email notice:
Come and See; a 1985 film by Russian director Elem Klimov, based on a semi-autobiographical script by Ales Adamovich who fought with the Belorussian partisans against the Germans in the Second World War. Produced to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Soviet victory, and during the slow transition between the Brezhnev and Gorbachev eras of the USSR, there is an undoubted element of revenge fantasy and Soviet propaganda about the film. The frightening thing therefore is how accurate it actually is.
The film has often topped lists of great war films. It also often appears in lists of horror films. It is not easy viewing, described by Roger Ebert as "one of the most devastating films ever about anything".