but, the lead guy in the famous photo was DEA Agent, Rene de la Cova. Rene was a great undercover guy - the photo blew the cover and he had to move into administration. When he was DEA Agent in Charge in Colombia he got greedy - or bored - and picked up some drug money that the Feds beleived should have been turned over to the USG. As a result he spent some time on the wrong side of the bars.

With that digression, my point remains that US federal law enforcement agenices have very limited authority and no real competence in regular policing. For Small Wars purposes, police departments - with some exceptions among constabulary forces (although not as great for Chile's Carabineros as one might suppose) - have no real reserve capacity. Police forces are engaged full time in policing and generally create a surge capability by going from 3 to 2 shifts per day. (Slap, I'm sure you'll put me right if I'm off base again!!!)

