Hi John, yes it was a DEA agent in some of the photos, but just after him is the Marshall....for the security reason you mentioned the US Marshall will do many of the DEA arrest.

Part two no correction needed you are quite right that Federal LE is restricted by it's very nature. (Incidentally I have read a lot of your writings about South of the Border and I doubt I will ever be in a position to correct you....some fantastic there). Again you are correct that the Feds no very little about real everyday type policing. The point about the Marshall's and it's importance to SSO is they target the trouble maker and him or her only...that is a very useful philosophy for SSO. Beyond that I think the MP's are the most useful in SSO...just take a look at their website and the curriculum of a basic MP. Infantry skills plus Police skills all in one package. They even have a separate manual on their on specially created armored LE vehicle. They should establish the basic in Country Police force and then just give guidance until it is time to leave..IMHO.