One of the underlying problems in the Middle East is a culture that has no innate grasp of cause and effect.
As in- "I was smoking a cigarette and pumping gas, the Allah (pbuh) caused an explosion".

Here, we take it the to the step after intellectual enlightenment and rationalize cause and effect, multiplying causes to match our world view.
As in- "The big tobacco industry has pressured me into smoking while the medical establishment failed to educate me adequately on the risks. The Oil corporations have simultaneously monopolized our automotive industry and destroyed our public transportation system, while allowing the retail gas industry to transition to fundamentally unsafe 'Self-Serve' gas pumps."

It doesn't change the fact that the guy who blew himself up at the gas pump was so self-serving and self-absorbed that he couldn't be bothered to put out the cigarette first.

And both of them were unwilling to accept personal responsibility for their actions.