Quote Originally Posted by John T. Fishel View Post
This article is simply replete with factual and conceptual errors. Most glaring is the author's assertion that the USCG was moved under DHS in the wake of Katrina. Wrong! It was moved from DOT under the terms of the Homeland Security Act of 2002.


Great point John and from it's creation one of the main purposes of the Coast Guard was Rum Runner Interdiction who avoided taxes hence the reason it was placed under the Treasury. They have a long history of counter smuggling operations and are really one of the most under appreciated services we have.

Also Alabama and Mississippi have had a mutual aid pact for years which came in very handy down by the coastline. MI was in a better position to help in some areas AL was better positioned in others and it worked very well.

Even though I lived just outside Montgomery the effects of Katrina were powerful( No power in Slapout for almost a week,warm beer hot days) and it taught many lessons that we are still learning,or I hope we learn. At the time 80% of the Al. Guards vehicles (but not personnel) were over there and everywhere but in Al. there was some teeth gnashing over that. And I ain't even gonna get into the Law Enforcement issues that came out of this.