in any sort of generalized way that would make that term useful for doctrinal guidance.

To me, the quality of governance requires reference to the specific context and some measurement (even if only qualitative and a "fuzzy pattern") of the People's perception of that governance.

What goes on with suicide bombers has to end up with a belief strong enough to die for - with the certain knowledge that no possibility exists for survival. How they get there must be by varied paths (probably too many or too deep to apply any sort of generalized preventive program).

In any event, focusing on them is akin to focusing on a cruise missile (9/11) or mortar shell (suicide bombings) - they are the means to project explosive power (as well as personalizing the attack - to create a Wind of Hate in Dave Grossman's terms). So, I'd look to the people that send them.

As to them, kill, detain or convert are the options. Convert is probably not a good option for leaders; possibly an option for middle-level cadres; and probably an option for many low-level doggies. As I said, I've little knowledge and no experience with the Saudi program.

