I've been around USAID employees and contractors for more than a decade, and while their system has administrative hurdles like most USG institutions, they do have some professional folks on the ground trying like hell. During 3 civil wars and their offices reduced to 2 from 50, those folks performed well under pressure. I give them high marks for putting the right folks in the most inhospitable places on earth and expecting nothing less than 110%.

The UN has been a thorn in my side for years. The link Charlie provides with a spotlight on Africa is but a joke.

Peacekeeping, Peace building and best of all, child protection advisers in Africa is abysmal. Collating miles of paper in three languages and then sum up a detailed financial report to back future events (that nobody signed up for) is hardly a lesson learned.

Back to topic, we (the US Military) got along with USAID employees far better than most State players with far less to do.

don't get me started on Peace Corps volunteers in the bush