Fault Lines: Inside Rumsfeld's Pentagon, by Andrew J. Bacevich. Boston Review, JULY/AUGUST 2008.

Professor Bacevich's review of Feith and Sanchez's books.

The Return of the Neocons: Bush Hawks Aggressively Working to Rewrite Accepted Iraq War History, by James Risen. The Washington Independent, 06/19/2008.
In a series of lengthy interviews over several weeks, Feith explicitly stated that his objective in writing his book was to start the process of altering the accepted history of the Iraq war, to adjust the Rumsfeld team’s place in history. He wants to change the narrative -- before it is too late.

Feith sees his book as nothing less than the opening salvo in what he and many of his allies hope will be a major and prolonged campaign by Bush administration hawks to develop a new school of revisionist history of the early 21st century, in which they will be heroes, rather than the villains. They see this fight for historical dominance as the last battle of the war in Iraq.