
Good catch. First-hand reporting is important and I did wonder watching BBC reporting who was supporting the SDF's humanitarian work.

Now to the key question and citing you in part:
the world as a problem regarding the large number of women and children refugees from ISIS or fleeing ISIS. We're obviously not going to pursue Hitler's solution and maintaining refugee camps indefinitely doesn't seem sustainable. Most countries don't want to help because if they bring back one refugee that commits an act of terrorism it will destroy them politically. The odds of Assad's regime and his Russian, Iranian, and Chinese partners offering a solution is slim.
I read somewhere that Russia is actually taking their nationals back, albeit with conditions. IIRC the men go to jail for ten years and the women can remain with their children till they reach 'X' age, whereupon they too go to jail.

Earlier today catching up with stored articles I listened to this thirty minute podcast with three experts adding their viewpoint. One is Richard Barrett, ex-SIS & UN and Aimeen Dean. Worth listening to IMHO.