I maybe in the slim majority that is unhappy that 2LT Campbell won't be playing Free Safety for the Detroit Lions this year. I've read most of the posts on this from all of you (although I vehemently disagree with some) and it seems that we must consider this reversal of policy in terms of logic:

Apparently, 2LT Campbell is too valuable as a PL (ADA) to release to the NFL and recruit for Army football. Grounds for the decision:

*He went to West Point knowing of the military obligation and service requirement, in a time of war. He should fulfill his commitment.
*The taxpayers footed the bill for his education; not to play football, but to serve.


If this is the logic for the decision, then in fairness, the following programs must be abolished, IOT "get these Soldiers in the fight", because they enlisted or were commissioned into the Army to fight wars, not do “other non-essential activities” at the expense of the taxpayer:

-Golden Knights Parachute Team
-Army Marksmanship Team (who routinely sends shooters to the Olympics)
-Army Athlete Program (also sends Soldiers to the Olympics)

There is also another solution. Do away with competitive sports teams at West Point. Then we don’t have to have this discussion. The Cadets aren’t there to play games; they are there to learn and prepare to lead troops. Or, one could say that if USMA doesn’t want to put (quality) athletes on the field with potentially professional talent, then why put a team on the field at all? Either do it well, or don’t do it at all, right?

Can you see where this could go?


I’m not jealous of Caleb Campbell because he has a talent that I don’t. It doesn’t make me angry that he can play professional football and not have to serve in combat, just like me and so many others. It doesn’t upset me that he could make millions of dollars playing a pro sport and just “do some recruiting for USMA in the off-season”, even though he took the same oath I did. I don’t have any animosity for the guy at all. I happen to believe that West Point’s Division I competitive sports programs are a great thing, and anything they can do to improve them into habitually victorious organizations should be done; to include recruiting ballplayers with professional potential; and letting them serve as a reservist to recruit other superior athletes to USMA in their respective off-seasons. What a phenomenal recruiting tool and morale booster that would be! It’s incredibly unfortunate this is not the case, dooming West Point football to mediocrity until the policy is once again re-instated.

Sometimes the level of martyrdom on this forum is amazing. Not just with this thread, but others as well. Remember this one? http://council.smallwarsjournal.com/...ead.php?t=5611