
I understand your position; much of it makes sense but other parts, well again we will agree to disagree.

As for the personalization of things; Ken, it does cut both ways. Folks often freely take pot-shots at 4ID and the marines in AnBar prior to 07 to cite just a few examples. So I do find it curious that in this specific post on this thread that when I mention a few units (not individuals by name) that many believe were the exception to the overall fumbling of the American Army I am told I am personalizing things.

But OK, I do very much value your criticism and will keep it in mind as we move forward with the discussion.

And Wilf; I think you are right to emphasize the importance of CE Callwell. I think his book "Small Wars: Their Principles and Practices" should be viewed as a minor military classic (majors in my mind being Clausewitz and Mao). It does get at a theory based on the stronger side in Coin. That theory could be helpful since we have premised our own counterinsurgency theory on those written from the perspective of the weaker side (read; Galula).