Maybe in some ways it is the MAGTF concept, although I don't see the "air" piece of the task force being incorporated at a company level. I'm think DO was a bit of a reach at this point, so the decision to focus on company level operations is a good one. It seems like more of a natural progression to develop the enhanced companies before working on distributed platoons and squads. After all, a company HQ with better embedded logistics and intel support and its an operations capability would be better able to support distributed operations in the future. I know MCCDC said DO was dead, but I really can see it being a natural outgrowth of ECO.

Where can I find more info on TSULC? Sounds like it would be a great course to push some of our ANGLICO NCOs through, but this is the first I've ever heard of it. We've been trying to get slots to the Army's RSLC as a substitute.