Quote Originally Posted by Cavguy View Post
You're extrapolating greatly here. Plenty of case studies of units influencing the IED fight in their sector using innovative tactics.
As long as the vast majority of KIA and WIA are caused by IEDs then ISAF are merely playing catch-up.

Who said we are going in blind? We have been in coordination with our transition unit a year out, and exchange data weekly. We just had elements do (not including myself, I had to mind the store here) a face to face sector recon for two weeks. I'm not going to post details about what we saw or where we're going here on a public internet forum though. My comment was simply meant, that like you, I am also subject to what I read here and am told. I know the platoons in the unit we are replacing does 60-80km of dismounted ops weekly, in conjuction with mounted movements across the AO.
The Brits are honest enough to admit that the first two months of each tour (of six months) to settle in. The inherent weakness of such short tours is obvious when compared with the permanent deployment of the main TB players. Time to question that as well and for units to conform to the demands of the war rather than blindly continue with the :this is the way we do it" approach.

The question that should be asked is what is the best way and with whom to prosecute this war?

We essentially have converted many to infantry for the duration, see COL Gentile's many criticisms. The vehicles we have are used in theater.
And you think that by switching from armour to infantry and back again is doing justice to the war effort?

We're not the Brits.
By that you mean you don't care about a shortage of helicopter lift capacity or you see no need or use for such?

I never said it was a joke, and this isn't my first rodeo. Care to read any of my bio stuff?
I didn't see anything about infantry qualifications there.

I can't contain the simple fact that the U.S. Army Aviation is fighting two wars and simply doesn't have enough helis in the inventory to support 2 large theaters over a decade of conflict. As a relatively junior officer I have no control over that and see no point on falling on a sword over it when it is you that have made it into this existential issue.
Maybe you missed it but according to your president and your generals the war is over in Iraq? So what will it take for the US officer corps to make a stand? Currently they just accept that they are issued with a second rate personal weapon (M4) and that there is very limited helicopter support. Perhaps when Burger King and Pizza Hut are closed down there will be an open rebellion?

It's not like units are getting wiped out or anything. By historical standards casualties are low compared against almost any similar conflict. Units are doing better than you allege, that's what I'm saying, and we're not as stupid as you imply.
You go tell that to the mothers of the 1500 odd US soldiers killed so far in Afghanistan.

I am not alleging that anything other than one needs to be thankful the TB are such a sub standard enemy and lament the fact that such a high percentage of KIA and WIA have been caused by IEDs an effective counter against which has yet to be figured out.

I am sorry we can't all rise to your high standards of ops. Would love to live in the perfect world where I got everything I wanted. Instead I make do with what I have, and do pretty well at it. You're extrapolating from one article and one observation and applying it to an entire country. I'm saying there are many variations of what is being done, some good, some bad. But overall we're doing okay, even excellent in spots.

I'm not a defender of everything we do. But I do guard against blanket statements and accusations that are not true in the macro.
As I say there should be a block booking for seats on every flight out of Afghanistan to take the failures and the non performers home. There is no sane reason to condone mediocrity (when soldiers lives are at risk). If only half the company commanders are competent then let the cream of the crop command 6 platoon companies in theatre... and if you can't find 6 platoon commanders who are competent to command the 6 platoons then make up the shortage with sergeants. (If you can't do that then best you pack up and go home.)