Quote Originally Posted by Abu Suleyman View Post
All of the points made above may actually be valid, however, I agree that the War Powers act does need to be revised if not repealed altogether. In the first place, it is probanbly unconstitutional. .
I think the notion of War Declaration maybe obsolete, considering that the likelihood of declaring war on another nation as a whole seems unlikely right now. The budget control aspect is the real power, however, we've seen Congress continue to approve the Iraq War budgets the Presidents seeks. Since it's already on-going, it will be virtually impossible not to fund. Probably more applicable before a proposed war starts. I'm still confused on whether a Bosnia-style conflict would be applicable here...not "war" for the U.S., but still takes funds to accomplish? What about a possible U.S. (UN) military intervention in Darfur? That wouldn't be war, necessarily, but would take funds, but not need a war declaration? What additional language to the Act could define this? I agree that it is outdated and does need refining.