I see this issue pop up every time I read a text from an NGO on security management affairs. Their going-in position is that gaining acceptance and ensuring transparency are big priorities if the effort is to ever get off the ground and make headway.

The military answer?..."You want acceptance? how about you accept this M16 in your face." It's an extreme quote, but the fact of the matter is that a lot of folks on one side or the other get polarized by perception and it screws up just about everything else.

I'd offer that those in the development business are selling their efforts short when they take a statement about not knowing what the issues are at face value, and don't have the maturity to realize that self-admitted ignorance is way different than bling ignorance. If anything, they should work harder to inform, change impressions, and overall educate where possible.

We in the military tend to give up too easily too. It's always easier to go with the "damn hippies" comments than making a serious effort.