At some point there has to be a big dog to settle these disputes.
Most of the time, in my experience, there was not, at least not on the ground, unless the ambassador or equivalent stepped up. that was absolutely true in Zaire.

In Rwanda, I had an Ambassador who stepped up. We also had Dick McCall as the #3 man in USAID on the ground. We had Susan Rice on the NSC in our court, and DoD with Joe Nye championing what we were trying to do. Dick Bogosian as State's regional coordinator was also a strong ally. Both SOCEUR and EUCOM were on board with us. US Embassies in Uganda and Tanzania were good partners. Kenya was a wind sock.

Opponents included elements of State Africa Burea, CIA, the US Mission to the UN, the US Diplomatic Missions (embassies) in Burundi and Zaire, and some members of Congress who at times seemed to forget there had been this thing called a genocide.

That is why Africa Command could be a real step forward if it works to iron out these issues before they are issues.