I have just finished Tom Clancy and Carl Stiner's Shadow Warriors, Inside the Special Forces. In Chapter XIV, "The Face of the Future" they describe the work of the Special Forces in saving the Kurds after Saddam's attacks in 1991. Saddam was an attempting another genocidal assualt on the Kurdish population who were in open rebellion against his brutal rule. After reading the chapter I have a better understanding of the bond of friendship between the US and the Kurds. I highly recomend reading the whole book which exceeded my expectations.

The book also gives insights into the Iranian way of fighting not only in Lebanon, but also Iran's actions during the "Tanker Wars" in the 1980's.

The book has a chapter on the capture of the Achille Lauro hijackers under Stiner's direction. The duplicity of Italian politicians who let the hijack leader, Abu Abass escape to sanctuary in Iraq, is a part of the drama.