Quote Originally Posted by Fuchs View Post
South Vietnam (clearly lost after about a decade of training by the U.S.),
We "trained" the ARVN for more than a decade. Too much of that training was that the Americans would move if you won't because we were not patient. We also taught them to be the US Army when they lacked the economy to pay for such a resource muncher. Having said that, we almost pulled it out after Abe broke the code.

There were ARVN units as good as any NVA or ROK outfit. There were some which were not but fewer as time went on. The NVA that finally crushed the ARVN did so with tanks etc....your talk about the limited logistics of the NVA and the failings of the ARVN is ill informed and incorrect. Towards the end they were boiling field dressings for reuse. Does that sound like a bunch of poorly trained, unmotivated pukes?

The North won because the US lost it's stomach for the fight and not only left but left them holding the bag and an empty one at that.
No air, no bullets, no bandages and no help coming.
Surely a student of the history of the Wehrmacht knows how things go with similar little operational drawbacks. Was that because the Wehrmacht was poorly trained? My step father didn't think so.

I don't know about the other "failures" you mentioned but do have first hand knowledge on this one and you got the result right... not much more.