Quote Originally Posted by Render View Post
Georgian Artillery Inventory prior to Russian Invasion:

The BBC is lying (again)...

No matter how one adds up the Georgian artillery park, it doesn’t come close to the BBC’s claims of over 300 guns. My own estimate is less then 200 total pieces in the entire inventory, the majority of which appear to have never fired at the Russians (who were outside of the normal range of those guns), but were lost in the rout south and east of Gori.
I doubt the BBC would be "lying," which would presume deliberate falsehood. They could, of course, be misinformed, or lack the military expertise to understand certain data (rather common in the media).

The BBC report that I saw cited a total of 95 pieces of "heavy artillery" in the Georgian inventory (without defining what was "heavy," but including MRLs). Their source was Jane's Sentinel Country Risk Assessments.