Edited by administrator -- This thread created by board moderators to contain posts from a sidebar discussion within the Iran Nuke thread. The first post squarely on that topic happens to be this one, from UrsaMaior.
Just for the record Mr. Owen you are probably aware of the fact that there were no antisemitic attacks in Iran since 1869 or so, despite the ramblings of some polticians here and there (which we all know how much they worth).

As of Turkey I wonder if Israel would leave the coming islamist takeover in Turkey without comment.

As of deterrence I share the views of those who say the only reason the public oppinion supports nukes that they hindered major military operations ever since they exist. (also see ALL participants' reluctance to use chemical weapons in WWII). I have serious doubts that any politician can be more desperate/crazed than Hitler in his Fuhrerbunker.

On the last note the mixed but rather positive view of the state of Israel will be seriously damaged if an attack on Iran (based on not so concrete presupmtions see 2003 attack on Iraq) would cause oil prices skyrocket.