Although it is often bantered about throughout other threads it does seem like the differing approaches as to what part and how heavily technology should or shouldn't be used in military contexts is a matter of much concern too many. So in order to start the ball rolling I submit the following.

If it ain't broke don't fix it. If its broke then ANYthing which might help to fix it should be at a minimum considered. Technology is found in every facet of western existance today and as such cannot and will not be left out of most if not almost all newer processes and/or procedures. The fact that so often price is overly high would seem to be more a problem of competetive markets and presidence than necessarily the cost itself.

As with any product anything produced will come with its own service requirements and as such costs go up. But i would ask if thats really the concern of most. Probably not. It seems like more often than not the concern is that things which need not be difficult would be made more so by the technological shifts. Or that overdependance on a given tool might all in all take away from abilities that otherwise would be considered mandatory. Training suffers because the puter does this, this, and this, so all I have to do is this.ETC

How about we take it more in the context of automobiles.
A-B in ???? min
Horse and carriage
Model T

They do the same thing, serve the same purposes but in a much more proficient, effective manner, and generally speaking for about the same relative prices.

Do I think Technology is over depended on most definately.
I do think it would be nice though if we could spend more time explaining exactly when, and in what areas, and why or why not.

Now hiding under my desk awaiting incoming.
(Maybe Ill get lucky and theyll use the reg kind which will blow up before it gets all the way down to me)